n a favourable light (80% positive) and regarded by many (62%) as efekive.

 By contrast, peaceful protest is seen in a favourable light (80% positive) and regarded by many (62%) as efekive. Situs Slot Online

The fact that the protests have continued despite this prevailing view speaks to a sense of frustration and desperation in certain communities, particularly those that are poorer and more vulnerable.

Responding to public needs situs judi slot online

Governing parties and officials need to take catatan of the frustration being expressed by ordinary South Africans, particularly given that the country goes to the polls next year in national elections.

The response to protests shouldn't be heavy-handed policing. Instead, what's needed is for governments - local, provincial and national - to understand the pangkalan for protests and then to ensure a swift resolution of public concerns. Reguler public engagement is needed, by municipalities in particular, and the use of innovative approaches (including media sosial) must be made a priority for communicating with communities.

A failure to do so is likely to reinforce a sense that the country is becoming less democratic and that the social distance between the elected and the electorate is widening.

Samela Mtyingizane, a Master's Research Internal at the HSRC, was part of the research tim. Readers requiring the detiled data from the survei should please kontak the HSRC at datahelp@hsrc.ac.za.

Confidence in local government has fared somewhat better, varying between 36% and 45% during Zille's first termin of office (2009-2014), and increasing during the first couple of years of her second termin (from 38% in 2013 to 57% by 2016). But, there was a distinct decline in confidence in local government in the Western Cape between 2016 and 2017, falling from 57% to 44%.

These declines in public confidence are not necessarily due to provincial performnce alone. It is more likely that these trends reflect a growing dissatisfaction with democracy and governance in South African society more broadly. For example, only 6% of Western Cape residents were satisfied with the general economic situation in 2017, and a sobering 20% expressed satisfaction with the way democracy is wo/

These critical evaluations speak to a esensial shift in the political suasana hati in the province against which new developments, such as protest action, should to be contextualised.

The protest vote

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The recent protests that occurred within the province are clearly at odds with the distinctive view of Western Cape residents towards mass action. This tends to be characterised by strong disapproval of any form of disruptive and violent action, as shown by the 2016 survei results (Fig. 2).

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